Specialising in musculoskeletal, orthopaedic, spinal and sports rehabilitation

Is your body feeling tired, worn out and run down? Are you stressed, tense and have a headache?

Sometimes we just need a little extra help to relax and unwind. Whether you are looking for a relaxing and blissful massage to forget about the day, or are a keen sportsperson needing some TLC for overworked muscles then we can help you.

There are many different kinds of massage that can benefit you:




Sports Massage and Deep Tissue

Massage Therapy is the assessment and treatment of soft tissue and joint dysfunction and pain. Massage can help restore flexibility and range of motion as well as increase overall wellness and relaxation.

If you are looking for something a litte different we also offer sport and therapeutic massages to help your muscles keep up with your busy lifetstyle.

  • Improve your muscle performance and recovery from sport
  • Improve your flexibility
  • Flush out excess lactic acid that can build up after exercise
  • Prevent adhesions and fibrous bands in muscles, tendons and ligaments and encourage tissue repair
  • Help prevent injury

Therapeutic Deep Tissues Massage

A slightly moderated apporach to the traditional deep tissue massage, Therapeutic Deep Tissue Treatment can include myofascial release, acupuncture, cupping &  joint mobilization.

  • If you work at a computer chances are you have suffered from neck or back pain at some point. Massage can smooth out these aches and pains leaving you sitting, standing and walking taller.
  • Improve your circulation
  • Massage releases endorphins that lift your mood and increase your sense of wellbeing!
  • Massage aids pain relief and reduces inflammation by improving your circulation and aiding key nutrients and oxygen to reach your muscles, essential for the healing process after injury.