Specialising in musculoskeletal, orthopaedic, spinal and sports rehabilitation


What happens at my assessment?

When you come in for your assessment you will begin with a detailed discussion with your physiotherapist about your running needs and medical history. During this time the therapist will want to build a representative profile of you including:

  • Type of runner you are (competitive vs. recreational)
  • Distances you commonly run
  • How frequently you run
  • Running Goals
  • Previous injuries

We will be looking to obtain information about your:

  • Joint ranges
  • Muscle length
  • Joint alignment
  • Stability & control
  • Strength

Finally you will be asked to run on the treadmill and be video recorded, using the latest technology we will then analyse your video clip and create a report for you. The benefits of using a video analysis allows your running gait to be slowed down and closely examined, we will be able to see subtle but crucial movements that may otherwise be undetected. These subtle movements can impact significantly on your body when repeated hundreds of times, as when running and by identifying them help the therapist to create a very accurate training programme. We can compare side-by-side images of you with/without shoes or orthotics, to highlight changes in your foot posture & the benefits of correctly fitting trainers. Your report will tell you:

  • Inefficiencies in your running style
  • Areas for possible injury


The result

Combining your initial questioning, physical assessment & treadmill video analysis we will then develop an individualised training programme to help you reach your running goals, whether they are performance related or injury related. You will receive a full written report with still frames from your video to highlight issues, you will also receive a copy of your running video, and all of your exercises include photographic & video support. Depending on which package you choose will depend on the depth of your programme.