Specialising in musculoskeletal, orthopaedic, spinal and sports rehabilitation

Running the London Marathon?

Next Month is the London Marathon and we have been treating lots of clients in their preparation for Race Day.

Julio one of our Physio’s at Marylebone and East London Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine can his first Marathon last month.

In this Month’s Blog Julio shares his experience, how he prepared and what he did in terms of training.

“On the 5th of March I completed my first Marathon ever.

What I would like to share is the journey that lead to be one of the finishers.

The decision to complete a Marathon was double fold:
First to set a personal goal for the winter months in order to keep motivated; long dark winter days can be tough for people who likes outdoors;
Second I wanted to experience first-hand what some of our patients go through in order to be able to give as much as relevant advice as possible.

This is what we like to do at Marylebone Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine, practice what we preach!

The preparation started in November when I spoke with my running coach and asked if he would guide me through the journey. Even if I could potentially follow a plan or guide myself I felt that having a coach had significantly helped. And here my first advice. No matter who is. Local running club, a more expert friend, professional Coach I would discourage to follow just and solely a written plan that often you receive when signing up for such events. Pro: you interface your difficulties with a human being that can put into context and adapt plans accordingly. Cons: this can involve costs.

After 3 weeks of training (Started with increasing my running load) I started to accuse lateral knee pain. Really common among runners. Frustration and hanger immediately started to be part of my day. I never had an injury before as a gymnast, as a swimmer, runner or triathlon athlete. I felt mental impact of not being able to exercise. I was upset as I always exercise thinking I should not impact badly in any way my body but furthermore enhance by the sport activity. Thanks to my coach and colleagues we focused on the causes that may have contributed to my injury and made the appropriate training changes. Such as resting, cross training, strengthening muscles. I found really helpful cross training such as swimming or cycling to continue to improve my overall fitness. An essential part of my training was Strength and Conditioning. Spending time working on body weights exercises was essential to get confidence towards my body back.

The Race Day was really exciting and everything went well.
I knew what to have for breakfast and my gear was ready and all prepared the day before in order to not to have any surprises. This is the most important thing for race day. Planning ahead. So in case things go wrong, you have probably already a plan.

Running my first Marathon was a success and it could have not been done without the support of friends, family, and colleagues.
Remember you are going to collect so many memories during your training journey that will be vital to get you going on your Race Day.
Running is about feeling your body step after step to reach the destination.
It has been described as ‘type B fun’ which is enjoyable after the event.
I feel a huge sens of achievement and was pleased with my time despite being only minutes away from my goal.
However, there is always next time!”

Marylebone Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine wish all our clients and everyone else a safe and enjoyable London Marathon.

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